F*ck Rules!
Libertine is one of the most exclusive clubs in London and where you should be heading into every Friday night if you love VIP events. "F*ck Rules" is Libertine's Friday party so leave all inhibitions at the door.
Without any doubt, at Libertine, you will be surrounded by a beautiful and chic crowd. Fridays at Libertine is where everyone wishes to party at but only a few make it in!
The fresh modern style of Libertine is very impressive even for its very demanding crowd. All these mirrors in the walls and huge disco ball recalls a futuristic party that you won't want to miss. Friday's party at Libertine is a very VIP event, full of nice surprises and luxurious atmosphere. Don't miss your chance to party with the privileged class of London.
Join Lux Guestlist for Libertine HERE.
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